
Christophe Hans has been appointed Communication manager of Ethos Foundation, effective as of 1 January 2013. In this capacity, he will also act as Secretary General of the Association Ethos Académie.

Christophe Hans will be in charge of the development of Ethos' communication policy. Prior to joining Ethos, Christophe Hans was Head of Public Affairs at the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs (2005-2011) where he successively worked for three Economy ministers, the Federal Councillors Joseph Deiss, Doris Leuthard and Johann Schneider-Amman. Yesterday, Ethos Académie held its first public event in Zurich, a debate on the Minder initiative «against egregious remuneration».

Mr. Hans is a well known professional in the fields of media and communication, with a broad experience at National level. During 10 years he was a journalist for various media of the French part of Switzerland, in particular acting as their correspondent in the German part of Switzerland. In 2001, he became the personal advisor of Nelly Wenger, the executive director of the Swiss National Exhibition Expo.02. In 2003, he was named spokesman of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, subsequently becoming its Head of Public Affairs. Christophe Hans holds a Masters degree in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IUHEID) in Geneva.

The Ethos Académie Association, launched in June 2012, held its first public event on Thursday 1 November in Zurich, which was a debate on the Minder initiative “against egregious remuneration” and the Parliament's counter-project. This popular initiative will be submitted to the vote of Swiss citizens on 3 March 2013. A second debate on the same topic will take place in Geneva on 5 December 2012. Ethos Académie, a non for profit organisation open to all persons interested in Ethos' activities, aims to raise awareness in the field of socially responsible investment.

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