
Ethos launches the 2009 edition of its “Corporate Governance Principles and Proxy Voting Guidelines”. This document is the reference for Ethos' voting recommendations. The Proxy Voting Guidelines are updated to reflect the recent developments in terms of best practice with regard to executive remuneration. At the same time, Ethos publishes its two quarterly reports the Ethos Quarterly and Ethos Investment Focus for the fourth quarter of2008.

New Edition of Ethos' Proxy Voting Guidelines

 Ethos' “Corporate Governance Principles and Proxy Voting Guidelines” are the reference for Ethos' analyses of agendas of shareholder general meetings and proxy voting recommendations. The proxy voting guidelines are grounded on the concept of sustainable governance and are adapted every year to the most recent developments in corporate governance best practice. This year, the main changes concern executive remuneration (chapter 4). In particular, several criteria were included to allow investors to vote on the remuneration system and the remuneration report of companies.
The 2009 edition of Ethos' “Corporate Governance Principles and Proxy Voting Guidelines” is available free of charge in electronic format. The English version will be available soon.
Ethos Quarterly Reports as of 31 December 2008
The Ethos Quarterly presents an overview of current issues in the fields of socially responsible investment and active shareholding. This issue features:
Editorial: Shareholders Join Forces and Take Action
Shareholder Activism
- Ethos Establishes a Supporting Group for its “Say on Pay” Resolutions
- Executive Remuneration: The Amendment of Swiss Company Law is in Progress
- Shareholder Engagement Raises Awareness
- Obama Administration: What Will Happen to Shareholder Rights?
Climate Change
- Poznan Negotiations: Decision for a Post-Kyoto Climate Agreement Postponed
- Investor Initiatives: Ethos' Engagement on Climate Issues
- Carbon Disclosure Project: Results of the Second Swiss Survey
General Meetings
- Quarterly Review of General Meetings Analysed by Ethos
- Cisco's Shareholders Oppose Internet Censorship
The Ethos Investment Focus is the quarterly management report of the Ethos investment funds.
Corporate Governance