
Ethos has acquired a shareholding interest in a Swiss press leader, the Tamedia multimedia family company, which gained its stock market listing in October 2000. On that occasion, the Coninx family put 23% of the company's share capital, which had previously been wholly owned by them, on the market.

Tamedia was founded in 1893 with the launch of the Tages-Anzeiger, one of the foremost Swiss dailies. Today, it is active in three segments: the written press (83% of sales), electronic media (TV, radio and the Internet: 3%) and various services (printing and distribution 14%). In 1999, Tamedia achieved sales of CHF 770 million and employed about 1800 persons in Switzerland.

At the beginning of 2000, Tamedia acquired the main Swiss economic daily "Finanz und Wirtschaft", so confirming its leadership position in specialized publications. Tamedia also possesses many shareholding interests in the media such as the "Berner Zeitung" (49%), bluewin (8%) or TV3 (50%), a private television channel. Tamedia plans to develop its Internet and TV business in coming years and will accordingly promote convergence between the written press and the electronic media.

The environmental and social assessment of Tamedia gives positive results overall. Its business activities are quality-oriented. Certification of its environmental management system is scheduled for 2001. Tamedia also places emphasis on relations with its staff and their trade unions; a financial participation plan for all the employees was introduced when the company obtained its stock market listing.

Corporate Governance