
One of the aims of the ethos concept is to illustrate to investors and companies how management that combines consideration of the criteria of sustainable development with the responsible exercise of shareholder voting rights can contribute to long-term economic value.

The active approach of ethos seeks in particular to open a constructive dialogue with companies (especially those that still fall short of excellence from an environmental and social point of view). With this in mind, a detailed analysis of the agendas of shareholders' general meetings permits the responsible exercise of voting rights. These analyses are conducted in accordance with voting guidelines based on the ethos Foundation Charter, as well as the most important codes of good practice in the field of corporate governance. Voting recommendations are guided by the determination to increase durably the company's shareholder and stakeholder value.

In a constant effort to ensure transparency, the voting positions adopted by ethos in relation to the general meetings of Swiss and foreign companies will henceforth be communicated the day before the meetings on our site. This information will be available under the section "General Meetings" of the ethos Foundation, which is currently still under construction.

Sustainable development
General meetings