
In order to give an indication to investors, from now on ethos will communicate its voting positions on its website the day before the General Shareholders' Meetings.

Ethos Foundation is convinced that the use of shareholders' voting rights enhances economic value. Therefore, it is the duty of the institutional investors, in particular the Pension Funds, to systematically excerise these rights. Within this framework, ethos has elaborated voting guidelines in line with the most important codes of best practice in corporate governance and based on the Charter of the ethos Foundation which is founded on the principle of sustainable development. The voting guidelines of ethos Foundation are to be found in a 50 page document which is a first in Switzerland.

ethos voting guidelines, a summary of the main codes of best practice in corporate governance as well as a presentation of some of the most recent shareholders' resolutions of social and environmental concern, can be consulted on the website.

Corporate Governance
General meetings