
BP Amoco was one of the first oil companies to concern itself with environmental issues and to address the economic, environmental and social sustainability of oil operations. The company is noted for its active and committed stance in the fight against global warming.

BP Amoco's environmental policy is aimed at reducing the considerable impact its operations have and at promoting the gradual adoption of renewable energies, particularly photovoltaic cells. Within the company itself, environmental management is soundly structured, and the biggest production sites are certified in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

Following its merger with the U.S. oil company Amoco, BP has not altered the foundations of its environmental policy. However, since then it has come in for lively criticism because of its stepping up of drilling operations in the Arctic. In fact, a shareholder action group presented the BP Amoco 2000 Shareholders' Meeting with a resolution calling for a halt to all prospecting in the Arctic. ethosfund. supported this resolution, which obtained 13% of the votes.

This action group will be introducing a similar resolution at the next Meeting on April 19, 2001, calling for the company to show greater consistency in its corporate policy objectives, and thus reduce its dependence on oil.

Sustainable development