
Ethos' two latest quarterly reports include the Ethos Quarterly and the Ethos Investment Focus as of 30 September 2006.

The Ethos Quarterly presents an overview of current issues with regard to socially responsible investment and active shareholding. The current issue includes in particular the following articles:

  • Editorial: Executive compensation, the discussion is ongoing
  • The SEC tightens regulations
  • The SWX Swiss stock exchange weakens its regulations
  • European SRI market exceeds CHF 1.6 trillion
  • Job creation and stock market performance
  • Shareholder groups on climate change
  • Investor statement on climate change
  • Companies: progress in disclosure on greenhouse gas emissions (CDP4)
  • Emission certificates: an opportunity for Precious Woods
  • Takeover bid: Raiders in Switzerland
  • American shareholder democracy

The Ethos Investment Focus (only available in French or German) is the management report of the various segments of the Ethos institutional investment fund as well as the investment fund «Pictet-Ethos (CH) Swiss Sustainable Equities». It is noteworthy that despite the stock market turbulence of the past months, all equities segments realized a positive absolute performance year-to-date. Furthermore, all equity segments managed with sustainability criteria outperform their benchmarks over the same period.

Corporate Governance
Responsible investment