
Shareholders in English-speaking countries systematically assert their right to table resolutions at Shareholders' Meetings. These resolutions are important as they are an opportunity for shareholders to have their say on matters on which companies do not usually seek their views.

Ethos. defines a voting position on each resolution, taking into consideration the interests of all company stakeholders and the viability of the proposal.

Support has been given to a series of environmental resolutions concerning in particular the development of renewable energies (Exxon Mobil) and ways to limit the environmental effects of fossil fuel extraction (BP, Exxon Mobil, Chevron). Calls for a moratorium on the use of GMOs have also been endorsed (Coca-Cola).

Ethos. has also backed social resolutions calling for the adoption and enforcement of human rights standards (Colgate-Palmolive, DuPont de Nemours, Enron, Home Depot, McDonald's). A resolution calling on Wal-Mart to produce a report on labor conditions at suppliers' factories has also won support.

General meetings