Switzerland's digital pension platform for financial entrepreneurs has announced that the "Ethos - Sustainable Balanced 33" investment fund has been added to the range of funds available on its platform. This sustainable fund, launched by Ethos several years ago and managed by BCV, is invested one third in equities and two thirds in bonds.
Lemania-pension hub, the first 100% digital pension platform in Switzerland, announced on Friday that the “Ethos – Sustainable Balanced 33” fund had been added to the range of investment funds available on its platform from 1st January 2024. This decision will diversify the management offering for members of the Lemania Foundation and the Fondation romande en faveur de la prévoyance individuelle. It also reflects lemania-pension hub's dynamic growth and commitment to bringing together the key players in the Swiss pension sector on a single, shared platform.
The "Ethos - Sustainable Balanced 33" fund of funds is invested in the range of sub-funds offered by Ethos. It offers dynamic asset management with a strategic allocation of 33% equities and 67% bonds. The extra-financial analysis of the companies included in the fund and the determination of the investment universe are carried out by Ethos, while the financial analysis and tactical asset allocation are carried out by BCV Asset Management, which determines the most appropriate allocation for market conditions by referring to BCV's investment policy.
"The selection of the ‘Ethos - Sustainable Balanced 33’ fund as one of Lemania's pension strategies demonstrates the hub's commitment to sustainable and responsible investment", says Vincent Kaufmann, CEO of Ethos. "This fund complies with the Ethos Foundation's demanding sustainability criteria and is based on the systematic exercise of shareholders' rights, starting with voting at general meetings and dialogue with companies. By selecting an Ethos-labelled fund, Lemania's policyholders can now benefit from more than 25 years of expertise in socially responsible investment, from which many Swiss pension funds and institutional investors benefit".
Pasquale Zarra, CEO of the lemania-pension hub, added: "We are delighted to welcome these new, recognised players in the pension sector, such as BCV and the Ethos Foundation. This will enable us to expand our network and broaden our range of services. We are delighted to have these solid, recognised institutions working alongside us, and to be able to integrate sustainable, responsible pension solutions into our platform."