A webinar will be held on 19 September in Zurich, while two roadshows will be organised on 20 Sep-tember in Geneva and 21 September in Lausanne. The aim is to present the specific features of the Clartan Ethos ESG Europe Small & Mid Cap fund, which combines extra-financial and financial analy-sis to invest in European small and mid-caps that are managing their sustainability challenges with conviction.
Launched in September 2020, the "Clartan Ethos ESG Europe Small & Mid Cap" equity fund is celebrating its third anniversary. To mark the occasion, Ethos and Clartan Associés, an independent French asset management company, are organising a series of events next week, including a webinar in German on 19 September in Zurich and two roadshows in French in Geneva on 20 September and Lausanne on 21 September.
These events will provide an opportunity to present the specific features of the fund, which in-vests solely in European small and mid-caps that manage their environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues with conviction. The fund is therefore aimed at both private and institutional investors who want to seize the significant performance potential of these companies while investing in a sustainable and responsible manner.
The investment universe is made up of around 500 companies with a market capitalisation of up to EUR 20 billion. An initial selection is made by Ethos based on extra-financial criteria, so that only companies that adopt the best practices in terms of ESG responsibility and whose products and services have a positive impact on the environment and society can be included in the fund. At the same time, Clartan Associés applies a robust financial analysis to select securities that create value over the long term and to make the final composition of the portfolio.
You can register now for the webinar on 19 September (at 3pm) via the following link: Clartan Ethos webinar. For more information about the roadshows in Geneva and Lausanne (both at noon), please contact events@clartan.com.